Best Ohmibod Products: High Tech Toy Extravaganza from OhMiBod — My Sex Toy Finder

My Sex Toy Finder
15 min readNov 25, 2020


Looking to indulge in high tech vibrators for a sexy evening? OhMiBod has so many great options!

My partner’s birthday is fast approaching, so I decided to splurge on a ton of new toys for some special “birthday sexy time fun!” I went to one of my favorite retailers,, for my shopping splurge. I focused on OhMiBod products because I have had wonderful experiences with their vibrators and porn in the past.

I wanted a range of toys to try mostly because mood, time of the month, and other factors change the ways I enjoy being stimulated. I also wanted to have vibrator options which would allow myself and my partner to enjoy using them together.


My first pick was the OhMiBod Lovelife Cuddle Massager. This is a great g-spot vibrator! This vibrator came in two color options, a bright pink and bright turquoise. Bravo on the colors, OhMiBod! Right now, the sex toy field is dominated by a purple, which makes most toys reminiscent of a purple dinosaur. Having these alternate color options was fantastic! I went with the turquoise. This vibrator is downright cute. It comes in a pink and white box, which makes it look like a gift even before wrapping it. It is 6.5 inches long, and 4.5 inches of that can be inserted, which is just the right length to reach the g-spot.


I also picked up the OhMiBod Mini G-Spot Vibrator, which is a smaller version of the Lovelife Cuddle Massager. The Mini G-spot vibrator has seven vibration speeds you can scale up and down, comes with a USB charger, and is a great travel size. The biggest difference between the two toys is that the Lovelife Cuddle Massager has a 4.5-inch insertable length and the Mini G-spot vibrator has a 3.5-inch insertable length.

Why buy two similar toys? I did this because I did not know how far in I needed to go. I know I like my g-spot stimulated, but I have not bought g-spot vibrators before. I figured they were both pretty, affordable, and I wanted to see how much difference an inch makes. I know folks say, “Size doesn’t matter,” but when I have an option to get the perfect custom toy, size does matter!

I placed the order online, which was very easy and secure. Adam and Eve is a great sight when it comes to ordering. I filled my cart, entered shipping and billing info, and clicked the “purchase button.” Within a minute, I had a confirmation email with my order information. I received follow-up emails with my complete shipping information within an hour.

The site gives you an option to subscribe to promotional emails. I decided to try it. Unlike many sex toy retailers, the promotional emails are well worth signing up for. I have received several coupons and offers for huge discounts off of products and, to be honest, have already cashed some in for more toys!

The two vibrators arrived on the same day! This package made me smile way more than one from another unnamed site. I unboxed these two toys, and they look like a “big sister/little sister” pair.

I purchased the OhMiBod Mini G-Spot Vibrator in pink so that I could compare the coloring of the two. When they arrived, I was happy with the brightness of both toys. The colors are pretty, and they “pop” when you look at them. The outer silicone cover is silky smooth to the touch.

I plugged in both USB chargers to my computer and charged the toys. The charging went quickly. The toys come with a partial charge. Reaching a full charge took less than an hour. For a completely empty charge, the toy takes up to 90 minutes to fully recharge.

Once I got both vibrators charged, I decided to give them a go on my own before the birthday celebration. Both worked really well!

I set the mood with a few OhMiBod porn videos. I have my favorite go-to’s for porn. Watching two sexy women using vibrators on each other always gets me going. There are a bunch (not surprising) with OhMiBod products. There is something super sexy about watching someone jerk off in a video using the same toy I am using while I masturbate. Having a wide variety of OhMiBod products offers me a ton of options to incorporate OhMiBod porn into my self-care time.

I started with the Lovelife cuddle vibrator. I added a bit of lube (don’t forget to pick up lube when you are buying vibrating toys, especially the insertable ones!). I made myself comfortable and gave this sweet OhMiBod G-Spot Cuddle vibrator a go. I was satisfied by the results! The full-size g-spot vibrator felt wonderful when I inserted it, it easily reached my g-spot, and the ability to alter the intensity of the vibrations allowed me to increase and decrease the sensation as I needed to make it to climax.

I could not just leave the mini g-spot vibe sitting alone on my bedside table. I lubed it up and gave it a go. I immediately discovered buying two different size toys was a good idea. The mini vibrator just barely reached the bottom of my g-spot. I am six feet tall, so I kind of expected this. However, the mini vibrator was perfect for stimulating my clitoris! The vibrations are strong and enjoyable. The ability to change the speed and intensity of the sensation allowed me to find just the right level to give myself a clitoral orgasm!

When I was finished, I took a nap (I have to be honest here). After that, I cleaned it up with a bit of sex toy cleaner and popped it back on the USB charger to recharge for the next go.

The Lovelife G-Spot cuddle vibe scored a 10/10 for me. It was perfectly sized, had the right amount of buzz without being overwhelming, is visually pleasing to look at, and easy to use and charge. The ObMiBod mini g-spot vibrator got an 8.5/10 for me. I loved the feeling of it on my clit; it is also pretty to look at and easy to care for. This vibrator has the added bonus of being easy to throw in a travel bag and take on a trip. The only downside for me was the size. It is a g-spot vibrator, after all, and it didn’t quite reach my g-spot. For most of you, this will not be an issue.

I love OhMiBod vibrators for a couple of reasons. First, they are aesthetically pleasing. Their designs include sleek lines and a modern look. They incorporate cute design elements. For example, the OhMiBod Lovelife Cuddle Vibrator and the OhMiBod Lovelife Mini G-spot Vibrator both house the power button inside a heart on the base of the handle. It is a lovely design element.

I also like OhMiBod vibrators because they are easy to take care of. They come with USB chargers that work with either standard dongles (I swap out my cell phone dongle for charging the vibrators) or can simply plug into the USB port on your computer.

They are easy to keep clean as well. You can clean the OhMiBod g-spot vibrators and clitoral vibrators with warm, soapy water. Most of the time, when I am finished using one, I run hot water in the bathroom sink and use my hand soap to get the toys clean. When I really want to make sure they are spotless, I will pick up a toy cleaner also available at


I wanted to get something my partner, and I could try over dinner for some discreet foreplay. I have previously purchased the OhMiBod Club Vibe 2.Oh! panty vibrator. This is a very cool high-tech toy. I knew my guy, a typical gadget geek like so many men, would love the remote-control feature of this toy. The OhMiBod Club Vibe 2.Oh! is a pink and black clit vibrator. It is four inches long by two inches wide with a little bump on one end designed to sit on a clit. It also comes with a pair of black lace panties (one size which will fit many folks).

The first time I tried out this vibrator was on my birthday earlier this year. The remote-control vibrator arrives with the vibrator remote, a small silky pouch to carry the items in and a pair of black lace panties.

I charged up this toy with the included USB charger and charged the remote as well. Once it was good to go, I slipped it into the pocket of the panties and shimmied into position. I tested the remote (just to make sure everything was working), and it paired effortlessly.

For my birthday dinner, I set the remote next to my partner’s napkin on the dinner table. When I brought out the steak, I had told him what the remote was for. He loved it! Throughout dinner, he took great pleasure in randomly giving me a bit of a buzz and watching my face light up. Upon discovering the remote vibrator had five different vibration options, he entertained himself by cycling through them as I tried to eat. The enjoyment was mutual. By the end of the meal, I was ready for a night of romance!


For his birthday, I decided to purchase the OhMiBod Club Vibe 3.Oh!. My Club Vibe 2.0 is still going strong and works well, but I wanted to see what the upgraded version would do.

The Club Vibe 3.Oh remote-controlled vibrator is similar to the earlier model. It is still charged via USB cord (included), has a remote range of up to 20 feet, and has five different pleasure settings. What I noticed between the two models is the 3.Oh vibrator provides a bit more intense vibrations and fits my body a bit better. The fit will depend on your body. I suggest smaller women consider the 2.Oh, and those of us with larger bodies consider the 3.Oh. Additionally, I prefer intense clit stimulation, so the 3.Oh worked just a bit better for me. Those of you preferring a lighter touch will definitely enjoy either vibrator but the 2.Oh! may better meet the needs of those of you who prefer a feather-light touch.

The coolest, most high-tech thing about both remote-controlled vibrators is that they also include microphones which can pick up on music in the room. My man is a DJ, and music is his second love, and I knew he would flip over this option.

I told him about the new remote-controlled panty vibrator I had coming and that it could pick up on music. He made an extensive playlist for his birthday celebration with my new toy in mind. Working on a playlist to run the vibrator in my panties that night made him aroused! It was the perfect foreplay for a partner who loves music.

His playlist started with slower R&B music, and over time the beats picked up. The panty vibrator did sync with the music, and the result was so amazing! It vibrated at different speeds according to the beat. As we danced, it turned into some very dirty dancing. Definitely one of the most fun couples toy’s I have ever used!

Additionally, when things reopen, he will resume a travel schedule for gigs. We have planned to have him make me custom playlists before he leaves so that I can wear the panty vibe and think of him while he is away! For a couple who has to be apart for periods of time, this is a great way to keep the connection strong.

The panties included with this toy are very sexy and fit sizes 2–12. I am a bit bigger than a 12. However, I have many sets of panties with the little pocket in the lined crotch, which hold the vibrator snug against my body. So, even if you are not in size range, rest assured there is plenty of good reason to get this toy!

Like the OhMiBod Club Vibe 2.Oh!, the 3.Oh! can be controlled from up to 20 feet away. It has five levels of intensity and can be controlled with a small remote. Both of these panty vibrators are great for use outside the home. The vibrations are very discrete and would not be audible in a restaurant or club. We regularly attend comedy shows and theater, and these toys will be included in our next date out when the world reopens!

Both the OhMiBod Club Vibe 2.Oh and 3.Oh are easy to care for. When you are finished using the toy, remove the vibrator from the pouch in the panties and wash it with warm, soapy water or with a toy cleaner. The panties can be laundered along with the rest of your underwear.

Both the OhMiBod Club Vibe 2.Oh! and Club Vibe 3.Oh! scored a 9/10 for me. I absolutely love them as a toy for couples to use together. The range of the remote, the various pleasure settings, and the discrete hand-free design are just what I want in a remote-control couples vibrator. The drawback for me with these items is that the panties are size 2–12. This is a wide range, and the undies will be baggy on a size two and snug on a size 12. I am a size 18 (the most common size of an American woman) and had to go get my own panties to use with this toy. Luckily, there are plenty of panties that will work with this toy.

This year, I decided to spice things up a bit for us. I purchased the Sportsheets Under the Bed Restraint System. We had tried restraints before and enjoyed them quite a bit. However, getting out the ropes and cuffs for a sexy night can be a lot of work. I wanted to try a new system that could be accessed at a moment’s notice and was easy to use.

The Under the Bed restraint system provides exactly the function and ease I was looking for! This is a system of nylon straps and four Velcro wrist and ankle cuffs. It is designed to fit under your mattress, and the cuffs come around the ends of the bed.

I wanted to install the restraints to surprise my guy. The online description says that it is easier with two people but may be done by one. I was skeptical. I have assembled enough Ikea furniture to know that “one or two people” generally means two people and a bit of swearing. Sportsheets is more honest than Ikea. I was able to install the system myself in less than 10 minutes. No swearing needed.

We have a queen mattress that is 18 inches deep. The system easily accommodates a bed that size and will shrink or expand to fit all mattresses.

Since I am a bit bigger than many women (I am 6 feet tall, size 11 shoes), I am always concerned with fit. The Under the Bed Restraint system fits perfectly! The cuffs for both the ankles and wrists fit comfortably and securely. No worries about your partner’s size; these cuffs are very adjustable!

I installed the restraints and tucked the cuffs in between the mattress and edge of the bed. They could not be seen after the bed was made, making them very discrete. This is great because we have nephews under 10 who regularly visit. This system is so discrete we have no worries about them finding it and asking awkward questions!

As our birthday celebration progressed, we moved into the bedroom. I pulled out the restraints, and my guy lit up! He had not seen any ropes or cuffs set out before the dinner and had assumed we would have more vanilla-style sex (which was totally cool with him)-seeing the restraints shifted our play into high gear!

We undressed and turned off the panty vibrator. He began to put on the cuff restraints onto me. I nodded toward the bedside table where the Lovelife Cuddle Vibrator was sitting there, ready and charged.

I was already very aroused after dancing with the panty vibrator, pleasuring me in sync with his playlist. He added some lube to the g-spot vibrator and began to tease my clit with it. I had used the smaller mini g-spot vibrator for clit stimulation when I used it on myself. Both vibrators work very well for clitoral stimulation. He added some lube and used the vibrator on my G-spot.

While my partner is quite skilled at bringing me pleasure, having a vibrator that perfectly reaches my g-spot really upped his game. There was no awkward “No, down to the left,” “Almost there, just a smidge to the right” talk to get him to find the right spot. The OhMiBod vibrator got right to the spot, and I came so hard!

Watching me writhe and twitch with pleasure in the restraints is a huge turn-on for my partner. He knows me well enough to understand the difference between moans of pleasure and those of distress. We also have an established safe word so that I am never in real danger of being hurt.

As we continued to play for his birthday sex, my partner wanted to move me into a new position. The restraints are Velcro, which makes them quick to release. He was able to release me from the restraints, and I moved into several new and fun positions!

Since his birthday night, we have tried the restraints several more times. We have an elegant set of leather cuffs. These were easy to attach to the restraint system when we wanted to play with a bit more serious form of restraint. When we finish, we swap out the leather cuffs for the Velcro ones, which come with the Under the Bed Restraint System.

Having a permanently installed restraint system allows us to incorporate restraints into sex more often. Like many couples, we like to have impromptu sex. We are also a bit lazy. If we are enjoying a fun Sunday morning romp, neither of us wants to get out of bed, search for various ropes and cuffs and then start tying me up. With the Under the Bed restraints, it is as simple as reaching to the sides of the bed where the cuffs are located, and voilá, I am tied up!

The Under the Bed Restraint system gets a full 10/10 for me. It does exactly what it promised to do: be an easy-to-install, discrete bondage system. It makes incorporating bondage play into my impromptu sex life so easy! As someone who really enjoys being tied up, the simplicity and the ease of access of this (and not having to tie knots with arthritic or lubed up fingers) is a huge bonus. This was my favorite of all the times in the blog post!

We have also discovered a new fun way of foreplay. Our routine includes cleaning the house on Saturday mornings. He has started making cleaning playlists. I put on the Club Vibe 3.Oh! panty vibe under my yoga pants and start cleaning. It has proven to be inspiring for our sex life! By the time I have finished cleaning, I am very aroused. We jump in the newly cleaned shower to clean up, and this has consistently led to some afternoon delight!

I am so happy with the purchase of the OhMiBod products! They hold up well and consistently recharge. The vibrations for all four vibrators I mentioned here, the Club Vibe 2.Oh!, Club Vibe 3.Oh!, the Lovelife Cuddle G-Spot Vibrator, and the Lovelife Mini G-Spot Vibrator, maintain consistent levels of vibrations and performance over time.

All the vibrators and the restraint system are easy to clean. The vibrators wash up with warm, soapy water or sex toy cleaner. The nylon restraints can be wiped down with a warm, damp cloth. We did get lube on one of the cuffs. The cuff was easily detached, and hand-washed in the sink with warm, soapy water and then flat dried.

These are all high-quality toys that have added great things to my sex life. I recommend them all very highly.

I had a great time using all these fun vibrators and loved writing about my adventures with them! I would love to hear about your experiences with them. Please leave your comments below. Sexy details are welcome!

Originally published at on November 25, 2020.



My Sex Toy Finder

Here at My Sex Toy Finder, we review the best sex toys on the market.